
Thursday, December 31, 2009

I am emerging now.
The time for looking back is over.
The time for guilt, regret and pain has passed.
Like the fragile pink lotus I am rising up!
I am walking into my future.
Time to be born!
Time to awaken!
Time to reach out!
I am emerging now!

If we can love the stars
without knowing the vastness of the sky,
then we can believe in miracles.

We are unaware of what sweet miracles may come.

May you greet the New Year
with the belief that wonderful things
are about to happen!

- Flavia

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Alone or All One

“I’ve never really been alone.”
The words escaped her lips in a thin wisp like perhaps she didn’t really want to own the sentence.
“What would happen if you were alone?” I asked.
She looked at me with disbelief spreading over her face.
“I would be sad!” she immediately responded.
“And if you were sad?” I queried.
She was catching on to what I was doing.
“If I were sad I might lie on the floor and cry all day.”
“And what if you cried on the floor all day?”
She looked thoughtfully after this last question.
“I have never really allowed myself to cry for more than a few minutes. I’ve always wiped away the tears as soon as they appeared.” She took another moment to gather her thoughts.
“I’ve never really even just sat with myself.” She shook her head in disbelief.

I could see the lights turning on in her head. Perhaps she wasn’t ready to be by herself yet but she was starting to see how she had lost herself in all the relationships. She had run from the question, “Who Am I?” for years. Now she was slowing down and turning to look behind her. The lost selves waved from the path she had fled from.

I suggested she ask those parts of herself lost on the side of the trail who they are. Start a dialogue with each of them. Ask the same question, “Who are you?”
What matters?
What do I care about?
What will I no longer tolerate?
What must I bring into my life immediately?
What do I believe in?
What brings me joy?
What feeds me?
What sucks me dry?
Who am I?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


If I could be more honest with myself and others right now what would i say?


Everyone jumped as I clapped my hands together sharply creating a loud snap. The young woman was vomiting words into the group and no one was paying any attention as she spiraled deeper into self pity. I said, “STOP!” All eyes found me in shocked silence. “What were you saying?” I asked. The confused look in their eyes confirmed what I thought would happen. The spinning thoughts had ceased. “It works just like that.” I went on to explain.
We are under the illusion that we have no control over our thoughts. Actually, our thoughts are very easily influenced. With just the snap of our fingers we can change what circles around in our mind. It is just as easy to think, “I am amazing” as it is to think “I am worthless.” What would you choose? Why would you choose worthless over amazing?
First we identify that we are engaging in distorted thinking. Next we make the choice to stop. Last we challenge the belief with a new statement. That’s the process. Simple yet powerful.
“I am alone and no one cares about me.”
“I have many people in my life who care about me and right now I am enjoying the space to discover who I am.”