
Friday, July 25, 2014


One pair of eyes awakening
does not judge another.

Long asleep,
suddenly aware,
the colors almost too intense.

In the opening the truth is revealed
about dishonesty,
about hiding,
about fear.

The hidden parts are illuminated.
Light washes over the unseen
floating the denied selves to the surface.

Gaze is turned inward,
lids half closed,
mouth soft,
hands open,
heart reaching.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My Dear Seeker,

Oh your mind is always full of questions isn't it? With so many questions there isn't room for answers Dear One. Allow the questions to float on by like clouds and surrender to the moment. In this acceptance is true clarity.

Remember, there are times when no matter what you do or say, a person will make the choice to stay in their discomfort, dis-ease and disconnection. It has nothing to do with you. The "successes" and the "failures" are not yours. If you let that define your work you will crumble. Practice non-attachment to the outcome. Show up, ask for guidance, stay clear and do your best. Ultimately that's all you can do... that's everything. And there are times, like this past week, when you will have the opportunity to remember that the journey is very individual. The seeker may not be ready yet. Our hope may be that someday she will be... and when she is the tiny seeds you've planted together will germinate, push through the surface, take root and grow into the healthy dream of who she imagines she can become.

You are a gardener my beloved. Tend the plants with care but remember each plant reaches for the sun in their own time.

I am forever yours along the path.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Dearest Teacher,

Well... today was intense. I started to feel some stress in my work and that is a yellow flag for me to take special care of myself. You know you've told me so many times before that I have to be diligent in taking care not to burn out. So, when the first little needles of dis-ease poked at me I remembered your guidance - time to be extra careful. Of course the first thing I always go to is nature. I know that I will be guided to the "next right thing" when I'm out there. I felt a bit of chaos in my head so I definitely needed the clear air and mountains to untangle. I went to a huge granite mountain wilderness area that I enjoy hiking in and decided on the hardest trail - the one that goes right up to the summit. I don't take this trail very often because it is intense but I thought that I really needed to pound it out today. I started out slow and it felt so good. It seemed like with each step I was releasing. With each step I felt clearer. I imagined that I was leaving all the shit along the trail. I really do believe that the natural world can take our grief, or depression, or anger, or stress and transform it. That's why I love the idea of screaming into the earth or from the summit - the feelings are released and made clean again. Kind of like the ultimate recycling! As I was hiking I found clarity.

But still I am distracted by the voices that sometimes creep back into my consciousness and say, "Your work could be more effective." "Why do my clients sometimes push back in defense?" "If you really tried harder you could be better."

Will I ever be free of this critical voice? How can my work be more powerful? Please guide me as you always do.

Forever your Devoted Student.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

My Work/My Journey

I'm not sure when it happened, but somewhere along the journey I learned how to trust myself in the work. There certainly wasn't a course in graduate school entitled "How to Know What to Do Next." My mentors didn't recommend reading on "taking risks in the therapeutic process." My supervisors didn't suggest techniques to "turn up the volume of the inner voice."

I moved slowly toward trust. I asked self doubt to stand outside the office. I showed up everyday no matter how terrified I was and allowed the work to inform me. The work taught me. It showed me who I was even when the self before me was different than I imagined. One day I woke up in the work and realized that I trusted myself. I had learned to be comfortable in the silence and wait for the guidance. It's always there waiting for me.

Your Work/Your Journey

Just for today, or this weekend, ask self doubt to step aside - outside the door is even better. I tell my clients (and myself) that they can always let it in again. It will be waiting there for them (and me) if or when they want it back. Take a small risk in your work (or life) and let trust be your guide.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Hands meet, palms together, a gesture of my gratitude. My deep expression of thanksgiving pours from my heart as I look into each of their faces. Their eyes hold the whole story. For these wounded women the story has brought them to this place seeking. They seek healing. The seek connection. They seek acceptance.
By their own heart.
By their own hand.
By their own spirit.

I share with them what my heart believes:
I believe that all of the answers to each of their questions are carried within themselves.
I believe that healing comes along the journey to that place deep within.
I believe that spring always follows winter.
I believe that the true treasures are to be found in the darkest and coldest of winter nights.
I believe that we each must travel alone on the path to healing and that there are others holding out a hand to steady when it gets unbearable.
I believe that the strongest grasp is offered by one who has gone before.

I am blessed to have the opportunity to witness the journeys of these courageous women.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Hope Returns

She was lost,
wandering for so long in a desert of denied self.
Prickly cactus thorns bloodied her soft feet
as she moved across the wild terrain.
Her only thought was to get far enough away
so that the pain would be only a faint blur on the horizon.
She would make up in her head
that the speck miles behind
could easily become a forgotten memory.
Her faithless logic convinced her that it was the only way -
straight ahead,
no turning,
no stopping,
no circling.
The destination remained just as far -
even after the thousand wounded steps.
Comfortable illusions cracked open in the light of day
showing her the truth of false convictions
even as they pleaded with her to lose herself in the mirage.
Coins tossed in the well of longing
reminded her of long lost wishes of connection, belonging and purpose.
The ripple moved outward
as the sun rose again in her lifeless spirit.
Palms lifted,
focus set,
will engaged,
soft gaze,
heart open,
feet connected.
The small speck now becomes her truth.
Hope can only return once the tightly held silver discs can be released.
It's not courage nor faith that travel next to hope - they quickly fall to the ground in exhaustion.
It's the surrendered heart that holds her hand on the journey back.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Remembering Who We Are

The pictures of precious babies cover the walls of my office. I ask the women gathered together for the workshop to close their eyes and give them the suggestion to use their breath to bring their awareness into the room.

"Whatever needs to join you at this time invite into this space," I whisper. I watch their faces and their breath and their bodies respond to the suggestion. Softly I say, "Gather to you anything now that needs to join you in the workshop." After a few moments and more gentle prompts I say, "Now, open your eyes just slightly. Soft eyes. Look at each of the pictures."

I observe their expressions as they look at each of the seven images. I remind them that each one of them was born precious and valuable and innocent just as these babies were.

They have forgotten who they were born as. As they look at the pictures the women offer words to me to describe babies and young children. They shout, "Magical, uncensored, honest, inquisitive, needy, sweet smelling, spontaneous, enthusiastic, excited, unmarred and loving." I know as they speak that they don't believe these things about themselves now. They have lost these beliefs. Life's struggles and sorrows have given them other beliefs. Ideas that they aren't good enough, that life is scary, that people will always leave them and that they don't matter.

The masks are firmly in place to keep the world out and the child they were born as retreats further and further within. She pulls the layers over her so no one can hurt her or ridicule her or tell her that her body isn't good enough. The younger women fight from behind their shields of anger, the older ones just close their eyes and press their lips tighter together. Either way the feelings are too much.

I ask them to wake up, to reach in and pull that sweet self into their arms. Some fight harder when they realize that they will have to excavate years of pain to find the treasure. Others just sink deeper into the sleep of denial.

A brave few will heed the call. When I ask them to stand before the pain and touch it they do. They scream, they push, they speak, they weep and they release. They bring the shame up and out of their bodies. The unacknowledged places within are accepted. The darkest secrets are spoken. The wounds tended.

Slowly and gradually the child emerges.

What have you forgotten?
What lies buried deep within you?

A suggestion for deeper work:
Find some pictures of yourself as an innocent young child or baby. If you can't find any pictures go through magazines and tear out pictures that would symbolize who you believe you were as a very young child or baby. Now, in your journal write words that describe this precious little one. When you have your list reflect on ways that you can invite these qualities back into your life. Do some visual journaling around these attributes and commit, if you like, to three things you can do in the following week to bring these characteristics into your day.