My Work/My Journey
I'm not sure when it happened, but somewhere along the journey I learned how to trust myself in the work. There certainly wasn't a course in graduate school entitled "How to Know What to Do Next." My mentors didn't recommend reading on "taking risks in the therapeutic process." My supervisors didn't suggest techniques to "turn up the volume of the inner voice."
I moved slowly toward trust. I asked self doubt to stand outside the office. I showed up everyday no matter how terrified I was and allowed the work to inform me. The work taught me. It showed me who I was even when the self before me was different than I imagined. One day I woke up in the work and realized that I trusted myself. I had learned to be comfortable in the silence and wait for the guidance. It's always there waiting for me.
Your Work/Your Journey
Just for today, or this weekend, ask self doubt to step aside - outside the door is even better. I tell my clients (and myself) that they can always let it in again. It will be waiting there for them (and me) if or when they want it back. Take a small risk in your work (or life) and let trust be your guide.
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